Tuesday, September 05, 2006


All things must come to an end, specifically this blog which is now officially over. Done. Finished. Probably.
I'm moving away soon and probably won't have regular access to the net, which is one reason, another being that I can't see the point of ranting on about things when there are real journalists out there who can do a much better job of this. Also, its getting me down. And making me bored. I'm going to London to do more concrete things such as attending demonstrations, getting arrested and generally making a nuisance of myself. I'm going to write a trash novel, have a string of slutty girlfriends, become an alcoholic, do a shit load of drugs, go mad and become a scientologist. Or maybe a gnostic. Yes. That seems more sensible. Why not.
Bye then.

Wednesday, August 16, 2006

One last thought

"Everything is gonna burn, we'll all take turns..."


And here's why.

They say life is a learning process, eh?
Despite vowing to retreat from the dark world of international politics I still managed to fire off one last angry salvo on another website, leading to, er, a reeducation. I had some views changed. I made an error. A bad one.
This is the reason I have to stop thinking about this shit for a while - I'm getting extremely confused and emotional. And starting to act like a pillock. Seeing killers and madmen around every corner, always assuming the worst of everyone. Turning into that donkey from Animal Farm, what was his name now? Begins with a B...
I'm of to cloud-cuckoo land now, for real this time. Back later.
Lucky to have that luxury I suppose.

Monday, August 14, 2006

Ceasefires, terror plots, fearmongers. Fuck it, I'm outta here

Ceasefire seems to be working. Touching to see both sides intensifying the fight yesterday, just to get that little extra bit of killing in before the deadline. Well, another twenty years of chaos in Lebanon I suppose. Hezbollah may have agreed with the plan but how long before they start to regard the "security zone" as protecting Israel rather than being neutral? Armies tend to come to grief in Lebanon. The last multi-national force there was suicide bombed out of the country. I am not terribly optimistic.

Our airline terror plot is looking increasingly shaky. It now appears that Mi5 wanted to keep the group under surveillance for a bit longer, but instead made the arrests early under pressure from the US. Elections coming up in November, remember. Hey that rhymes. The US government also knew a week in advance that the arrests were going to be made and took the opportunity to make a series of slurs accusing their opponents of being soft on national security. I am inclined to believe that there was a threat this time, but its the blatant use of terrorism for political gain that makes people so skeptical.

George "Russia is big" Bush took the opportunity to suggest that America is at war with Islamic fascists. Maybe so. You know what they say - fight fire with fire.

As for me, I've had enough. I'm disengaging from the world for a while because its making me ill. As far as I'm concerned the world can go fuck itself. Maybe I'll write that unicorn song I was talking about.

Thursday, August 10, 2006

Real or not, the timing is great if you happen to be Tony Blair.

Could have been a very bad day today. Allegedly. I tend to approach these things with deep suspicion. Big terror plot foiled. Just a coincidence that it happened at a time when Tony is in deep shit over Israel, facing opposition from his own cabinet, and the day after a Labour MP resigned over his handling of the crisis. I can't judge yet if the plot was real. But the fact is that the men who were arrested today had been under surveillance for months according to the police, and the attacks were not to be carried out today. Or tomorrow. Or in the following weeks. Apparently they acted today after recieving new intelligence. Convenient. I don't know. The problem is, after all the lies, how can we believe in anything the government or the police say?

Whatever happens people must not allow the government to use this as an excuse for more of their totalitarian "anti-terror" measures. Blair and his cronies don't seem to realise that we are not a nation of cowards. I'll risk being blown to pieces if it means retaining my liberty, and I'm sure most of my fellow citizens feel the same. Sounds impressive, but it isn't. If we were as scared of death as Blair wants us to be none of us would ever leave our homes. Compare the number of dead from terrorist attacks this year to the number of fatal road accidents. In 2004 over three thousand UK citizens died on the roads, a death toll higher than 9/11.

When I'm too frightened to cross the road maybe I'll consider ID cards and internment and all the other related bullshit as being necessary.

In any case we must be prepared. Prepared to sit through more drivel about the terrible and unprecedented threat we are facing. And how, of course, the wars in Iraq and Lebanon have nothing to do with the proliferation of terrorist extremists. That, in fact, effect does not follow cause, nothing is related to anything else, people blow themselves up because they hate freedom terrible freedom, that down is up and left is right and oh weren't we so naive for thinking otherwise.

Tuesday, August 01, 2006

Worshipping Dirt and Death

Who started it, who has a right to exist, who doesn't who's God is the true God.......
The only thing that matters is human life. People are slaughtering each other over land. What is land? Dirt. Worthless. No piece of dirt is worth dying for, worth killing children for. If I had the power I'd evacuate the entire region and then have it irradiated so that no-one could ever live there again.
The forces driving this endless conflict are nationalism and religion, both illusory concepts. Nationalism is dirt worship, religion is death worship. The concepts of home and God are comforting but what use is having a home if you are dead? If your children are dead? And what use is a God that allows this to happen? Both ideologies cheapen life and both are being used to manipulate ordinary people into destroying life. If people would cherish a strangers life the same way they would cherish their own or their children's..........
Yes I'm slipping into peacenik delusions. Must be all that dope I smoked. There's no hope really in the Middle East, only the inevitability of more death in the name of dirt and God and good old revenge.

Sunday, July 30, 2006


Thinking about Ghandi again.

That was a good post, wasn't it?

Thursday, July 27, 2006

Blatant lies

"We received yesterday at the Rome conference permission from the world... to continue the operation."
This from the Israeli justice minister. Who does he think he's fooling? The world in general is outraged at the brutal stupidity of the Israeli offensive, which only continues because America and Britain are hell bent on sabotaging any plans for a ceasefire. Kofi Annan was visibly seething as the Italian foreign minister read out the conclusions of the summit, which did not call for an immediate ceasefire thanks to the efforts of America's blood drenched secretary of state Condoleezza Rice.
And he has good reason to seethe after the seemingly deliberate murder of four unarmed UN observers by the IDF two days ago. The shelling started in the morning, forcing the observers into the bomb shelter where they telephoned the IDF 10 times asking them to stop the bombardment. Each time an Israeli general said that the attacks would be halted, but they continued until 7 pm when the base was hit by a precision guided missile which collapsed the bomb shelter. The base was clearly marked and identified on Israeli military maps. Draw your own conclusions.